
An academic year is like a huge canvas. Carmel School, Moodbidri, celebrated Graduation day for UKG Tiny-Tots. We were happy to celebrate the achievements and growth of our budding graduates. Their journey from Tiny Tots to confident learners has been remarkable and we are proud of each one of them.

Graduation Ceremony of Kindergarten is a time to say goodbye to Kindergarten level of education and to move on to Primary education. It is the warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future.

The environment was filled with excitement as parents, teachers, students and guests were gathered at Carmel School, Moodbidri on 15th March 2024, to celebrate the milestone of young KG graduates and to honour them with Graduation Certificate. The Auditorium was filled with the UKG parents.

The event commenced with a solemn march of our KG graduates who were dressed in miniature caps and academic attire; Chief Guest Mrs. Punarva S.Kini, Principal Sr. Gracilda A.C, Administrator Sr. Elena A.C and Co-ordinator Sr. Ranitha A.C were escorted by our School Band.

The Programme was staged by our LKG Tiny – Tots. It began with a prayer dance, followed by a welcome dance by Play home children.LKG students welcomed the Chief Guest; The Principal, sisters, teachers, parents and UKG graduates. The dance performance coaxed everyone to sway to its lively beats and left everybody spellbound.

Tr. Genita introduced the Chief Guest Mrs. Punarva S. Kini to the gathering. She is an Associate Professor at Alva’s College of Nursing. The Principal Sr. Gracilda A.C spoke a few words of appreciation.

Then came the most awaited part of the celebration where UKG students walked on to the stage for their Convocation Ceremony. Their smiling faces were welcomed by rapturous applause as they received the certificate.

The programme ended with vote of thanks.

It was indeed a joyous and memorable day for the little ones, their parents and the mentors as they witnessed their children receiving their KG graduation Day Diploma from the Guests.

May God bless these tiny “graduates” as they continue their education in the mainstream of the school.

Kindly click on the video given below for the glimpses of the celebration.

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