
In a profound demonstration of character building, 43 enthusiastic grade 8 students, led by their class teacher embarked on a Service Learning Activity at the Moodbidri Police Station on December 11, 2023. Delving into the intricacies of law enforcement, the students engaged in practical sessions on law and order, patrol procedures, firearms training, traffic control, defensive driving, and self-defence.

Under the guidance of Circle Police Inspector Sir Sandesh P.G., the students absorbed valuable insights into the selfless dedication of our police force. Their active participation in practical sessions, coupled with unwavering discipline, left a lasting impression on the Sub-inspectors and constables who assisted throughout.

The gratitude expressed by the police officials for the students' discipline and eagerness for knowledge underscored the success of this educational endeavor. As a token of appreciation, the students were treated to refreshing snacks, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.

Sir Prajwal Pereira extended heartfelt thanks to the police officials for their indispensable support, marking this Service Learning Activity as a commendable example of education aligning seamlessly with community service.

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